At a recent Zoom Rotary meeting, the club was discussing how best to serve or help our community with the COVID restrictions in place.
Like many other charitable organisations, we too have been hampered by what we can physically manage in relation to being mindful of national and regional lockdown restrictions and the general lack of contact.
After much humming and haring, President Liz came up with a whizz idea.
Since lockdown what had we all been doing when we were not watching the telly or taking the dog for yet another walk….well reading of course!
So, this is what we decided to do:
collect all the books from our fellow Rotarians, who over the last six months or more had read hundreds of novels and others between us. So during March and April, we collected over a hundred books and story cassettes, gathered them all together, left them in isolation for two weeks and then re-distributed them to two local care homes.
Two Rotarians volunteered to contact Alison Heslop from St Annes Rest Home on the sea front at Cullercoats, and Frankie the Wellbeing Co-ordinator at Eastbourne House. Here President Liz and fellow Rotarian John met with 98-year-old Betty Hall. Betty, living at Eastbourne is the most avid reader in residence and was delighted to receive the books from President Liz, whilst Betty’s 98-year-old husband, was sitting in the sun with a gin and tonic!!!.... now that’s how to pass the time and grow old gracefully….with a good book and a gin & tonic!
Our two pictures:
Eastbourne House - Betty Hall with Frankie, Wellbeing Co-ordinator, with President Liz and fellow Rotarian John Clarkson pictured in the courtyard of the rear entrance to Eastbourne House.
St Annes - Staff and fellow Rotarians with President Liz and Alison Heslop, Activities Co-ordinator in the grounds outside of St Annes Rest Home, Cullercoats
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989.