The Whitley Bay Rotary Civic Cups
For the past seventy five years the Rotary Club of Whitley Bay has been recognising the outstanding achievements of some of North Tyneside's young people with the award of Civic Cups.
This was recently celebrated at a special ‘Civic Cups Evening’ at the Whitley Bay Golf Club. The awards this year were presented by Cllr. Cath Davis, Chairperson of North Tyneside Council. There were two winners from each school: Monkseaton High School presented Megan Gibson and Jamie Fox and from Whitley Bay High School, Ethan Tatters and Amy Bell.
All the winners outlined to club members and guests why their school had nominated them for these special awards and club President John Clarkson said, "I am delighted to welcome the staff and students from both schools and to listen about their contributions to our community. The variety of personal achievements they have attained is truly remarkable."
The young people had been involved in running a Community Centre Group and raising money through home baking; being a member of the Youth Council for North Tyneside; working with local council representatives to raise the profile and offer support for local children in need and supporting this cause as a guest speaker at local conferences including one in London; being a senior Cadet leader, a processional flag holder and inspirational fundraiser.
President John added that, "Tonight we have witnessed a reflection of what these young people have been able to add to our community and this has been such a positive reflection on themselves and the schools they represent."
Each of the students received a cash award, certificate and an engraved cup. After the presentation the staff and students stayed for an evening meal which was followed by an informative speech from Council Chairperson, Cllr. Cath Davis.
Group Picture -
Standing L-R: Head of Whitley Bay High School Steve Wilson; W/Bay Rotary Club President John Clarkson; Chair North Tyneside Council, Cllr. Cath Davis & Chairman’s Consort Cllr. Karen Bolger; Head of Monkseaton High School Tracy Crowder and Dave Walton Head of Year.
Seated L-R: Students from WBHS – Ethan Tatters & Amy Bell and from MHS – Megan Gibson & Jamie Fox.
Picture 1; L-R: WBHS: Steve Wilson, Ethan Tatters, Cllr. Cath Davis, Amy Bell, Cllr. Karen Bulger.
Standing L-R: Head of Whitley Bay High School Steve Wilson; W/Bay Rotary Club President John Clarkson; Chair North Tyneside Council, Cllr. Cath Davis & Chairman’s Consort Cllr. Karen Bolger; Head of Monkseaton High School Tracy Crowder and Dave Walton Head of Year.
Seated L-R: Students from WBHS – Ethan Tatters & Amy Bell and from MHS – Megan Gibson & Jamie Fox.
Picture 1; L-R: WBHS: Steve Wilson, Ethan Tatters, Cllr. Cath Davis, Amy Bell, Cllr. Karen Bulger.
Picture 2; WBHS: Ethan talks to club members and guests
Picture 3; L-R: MHS: Cllr. Cath Davis, Megan Gibson, Cllr. Karen Bolger, Tracy Crowder, Dave Walton.
Picture 4; MHS: Megan receives her cup from Cllr Cath Davis.
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989.