Cresswell Towers

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Cresswell ‘Pele’ Tower - Cresswell Village, Northumberland

Well, we took the weather with us up the coast a couple of weekends ago and what a day we had out organised by our fellow Rotarian, Garry.

Some months ago, Barry a founder tower member guide and local historian came to the club to tell us about the rescue he and volunteers were making to bring the dilapidated tower back to life.

What a spectacular result they have achieved with the aid of Lottery Grants and dozens of willing helpers over the past few years. So much so, that many now are to be seen to be registered guides and often re-enacting the inhabitants of the original tower, built between 1350 and 1600.
The tower was basically a miniature castle built as a defensible retreat against attacks from the now famous Border Reivers - basically raiders and robbers from either side of the Scottish border!!! These lawless clans from both sides of the Anglo-Scottish borders survived by raiding and marauding. Cattle rustling was common. The Reivers were not driven by allegiance to either the Scottish or English crowns, but to themselves, a family surname or the need to survive. So, violence, theft and raiding were common at a time when the rest of England was generally peaceful and a prosperous place. Not so in the borders where folk needed a thick-walled castle to hide and simply to survive.
The ‘Pele Tower’ as it is now known, is a well-preserved example and, thanks to excavations and the extensive renovation by Barry, Steve and their team, the building is open to the public on selected days, where you can encounter some of the newer local inhabitants, dressed for the occasional foray into the past!!! And to boot there is a great walled garden currently under renovation.

After our visit we had lunch in the local pub and then a walk on the nearby beach where one or two very brave Rotarians went in for some wild open water dips!!


If you would like to know more about our Rotary Club please do not hesitate to contact us through Facebook, our website or telephone – 07419 736989.

