Dictionaries for Life Summer 2020

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Rotary's Dictionaries For Life Presented to the Seven First Schools in Whitley Bay

In recent months the Rotary Club of Whitley Bay has been raising funds from local projects to purchase a ‘Dictionary For Life’ to present as end of year gifts to our first school leavers in Whitley Bay.

At the end of July, in spite of many schools being temporally closed, club members were able to deliver to each school a present for the children as they prepare to move onto their chosen middle school in September.

However, this year things had to be different due to the school closures and the covid 19 pandemic. Therefore, our club was unable to make personal appearances and presentations to the school leavers, but we have been able to deliver over four hundred books to all the first schools who in turn have handed them out on our behalf.

So, each final year pupil did eventually receive their own named illustrated dictionary.

This is the seventh year that the club has been able to organise this annual project and it is hoped that in future years the club will be able to continue to present the dictionaries to all our first schools in the Whitley Bay.

This year's club president Rod Clark said how disappointed he was that he was unable to personally congratulate all the young people because of the ‘lockdown’ and the virus epidemic, but he was delighted that in spite of it all, we were still able to deliver our annual presentation of a ‘Dictionary For Life’.
