On The Road to Durham Cathedral
In early September the club took a coach trip to Durham Cathedral and the Shrine of St Cuthbert.
Having parked in the City Coach Park we took a short ride in the Cathedral Shuttle Bus up to the Cathedral Square where we met our personal guide Lillian, who was to look after us all during our visit.
Having parked in the City Coach Park we took a short ride in the Cathedral Shuttle Bus up to the Cathedral Square where we met our personal guide Lillian, who was to look after us all during our visit.
Lillian walked us throughout the cathedral buildings and to areas not generally available to the public, such as the Bishops Robing Room, where past president Richard Hart couldn’t resit trying out My Lord Bishop's seat for size!!
Other areas adjoining the Robing Room also provided our senior club members to contemplate ’what if’ and ’how’s that’.
After a lengthy and informative tour we enjoyed a delightful buffet lunch in the medieval Prior’s Hall which adjoins the Cathedral Square.
Afterwards we spent some time in the shop and in particular we made a small Rotary donation to the ‘I Built Durham Cathedral in Lego in 2014.’
This was an ingenious scheme to raise money by purchasing Lego bricks with a donation - the size of the donation depending on how many bricks you could purchase.
Immediate Past President Richard Hart, fellow Rotarians, friends and partners can be seen placing their joint donation of bricks into position.
Shortly after this, we wandered back through the cathedral and back down through the city to the coach park down by the river and returned home.
Other areas adjoining the Robing Room also provided our senior club members to contemplate ’what if’ and ’how’s that’.
After a lengthy and informative tour we enjoyed a delightful buffet lunch in the medieval Prior’s Hall which adjoins the Cathedral Square.
Afterwards we spent some time in the shop and in particular we made a small Rotary donation to the ‘I Built Durham Cathedral in Lego in 2014.’
This was an ingenious scheme to raise money by purchasing Lego bricks with a donation - the size of the donation depending on how many bricks you could purchase.
Immediate Past President Richard Hart, fellow Rotarians, friends and partners can be seen placing their joint donation of bricks into position.
Shortly after this, we wandered back through the cathedral and back down through the city to the coach park down by the river and returned home.