Rotarians Celebrate New Year - at Easter! OR
Liz’s End of The Year, Year, Party, ... But After Easter!!!
Normally, our Rotary Club holds an end of year party at the end of the year!.....but this year, it was the end, of the end, of Easter party….well, the 16th April to be exact, after, Easter….!!!
Thank you to everyone who helped out on the day especially Shaun from Kings Catering, Cramlington and all those who made a ‘delicious puddy’….all of which were consumed not at a calorie controlled pace!!!
We had over thirty-five members and their partners though the pictures don’t show that, but thanks to David who took them.
Roger gave a whizz vote of thanks and a bunch of flowers, (note: not from the garage forecourt this time!!!) as a thank you to Liz for the use of her house.
The day was a nonprofit making affair, but Martin managed a very successful raffle making over £100 which we can add to the general funds for another occasion.
Thank you…and a belated Easter to one and all
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989.