Newcastle Upon Tyne on Fire!!!

  • M Smith one

    M Smith one

The Great Fire of Newcastle!!!

Historian Malcolm Smith visited our club to talk about ‘The Great Fire of Newcastle - started in Gateshead!’ in 1854 on the 6th October.

The official death total was 53 but the actual figure was thought to be much higher as many of the housing occupants living in the Sandgate and surrounding areas were never registered by the council. In fact, such was the density of occupancy there was thought to be approximately 5,000 people to one toilet!!!
Malcolm gave us fascinating details of where and how the fire started in a cloth factory in Gateshead before spreading next door to a fireproof bonded warehouse and beyond.

At approx. 3am, there was a huge explosion caused by a mixture of gas, sulphur, nitrates, lead and mixed chemicals. This could be heard as far away as Alnwick and Hartlepool and the fire burning debris carried for over 6 miles spreading the fire towards the centre of the city, leaving a crater 40’ x 50’ deep and the area decimated.
The explosion also had the added effect of sinking six ships and though fire tenders came from as far as Carlisle and Berwick, the riverside area was left burning for over twenty hours and during the following weekend.

In addition to Malcolm’s detailed analysis, he showed us a collection of pictures which demonstrated the dreadful devastation to the city; which took many years to rebuild and the advent of a properly established Fire Brigade in 1867.
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