George Davis Cup

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George Davis Art Competition

High School Show Their Artistic Talents

George Davis was a former Whitley Bay Rotarian and an accomplished watercolour artist.
Upon his death George set up a trust fund to help recognise, reward and support the work of young local artists in the North East and in particular the work of students in our schools.
This year it was the turn of Whitley Bay High School and all sixth formers were eligible to receive the award.
George’s daughter, Mrs Irene Parritt, was on hand once again to help with the judging, with Steve Wilson Head of School, Rotarian Brian Royce and our President Terry Took with Jenny Alderson, a Graduate of Goldsmiths College, London who is a practising artist living in Gateshead. The team worked together to select three winners which proved to be a difficult and unenviable task, but after careful selection these were:
First:- Michelle Khan – Mixed Media on Canvas, Rose
Second:- Jude Sowter – Acrylic on Board, Face
Third:- Jaclyn Gray – Collage, The Shard

In all there were seventeen finalists in the exhibition this year and the entrants' work was carefully selected and chosen by the ‘team’, with President Terry rewarding the students with monetary vouchers, to the value of £150.00.
All the work of the students will be displayed at the ‘The Exchange’ in North Shields from 31st May until 5th June 2018.