Josie's Dragonfly Visits Rotary

  • Josies Dragon Fly 2016

    Josies Dragon Fly 2016

At a recent meeting of the Whitley Bay Rotary Club, Jane Dennison gave a moving account of the work she does for a local charity called 'Josie’s Dragonfly'. This small group of dedicated workers support young people in the North East who have life limiting illnesses. In essence the Dragonfly Trust supports terminally ill children and provides them with the opportunity to fulfil their dreams before they die. During her presentation Jane gave many examples of her non-profit making activities based in Hexham and the club subsequently invited her back to be presented with a cheque for £500.

The picture shows from left to right; Brian Royce, (club president), Jane Dennison (Josie’s Dragonfly), Victoria Emery, (Chair – Community Service).
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989.