Lookwide UK

After a recent presentation to the Whitley Bay Rotary Club the LookwideUK team, Nicky Sargeant and Gwyn McKenzie were delighted to be told at the end of their talk that the Rotarians had been so moved by their presentation, that they wanted to immediately present the team leaders with two cheques for £1,000.
Club President Richard Hart said, "In all the years of guest speakers to the club, we have never been so captivated and moved by the wonderful work that the LookwideUK team were carrying out in our community. So much so that Nicky and Gwyn fielded questions from my fellow club members for over 30mins - a testimony to their moving stories of local disengaged young people in North Tyneside, Newcastle and Northumberland."
Gwyn explained that LookwideUK was the development wing of Northumberland Scouts; a non-uniformed branch of Scouting which offers opportunities for troubled and vulnerable young people who would benefit from a wide range of activities that helps them to develop positive new skills, friendships and a new way to fit back into society.
She further explained how young people who have struggled to get a good start in life, had now been engaged in heritage projects, volunteering and environmental work. The results of this had created increased confidence, greater motivation and social skills that may help to improve their future prospects.
Some youngsters have trouble with their behaviour, school attendance or anger management; others suffer from a crippling lack of confidence that prevents them from making friends or succeeding in the classroom.
Chief Executive, Nicky Sargeant continued, “LookwideUK tries to help young people that others have written off or have been unable to help or support. Our Development Tutors build positive relationships with young people and help them to develop new plans for the future.”
In a recent survey young participants were asked how things had improved for them and replies included,  “New friends and getting out the house” and “I’ve found that I can do a lot more than I thought.". Parents are also delighted by the opportunities for their youngsters. One mother comments, “The programme has given Callum the chance to get himself in a better routine and given him better self-esteem.”
LookwideUK has just launched its new ‘Starfish Club’, an opportunity for local businesses and individuals to support its work.
The Chair of Lookwide’s management committee, Gwyn McKenzie said she was, “Delighted that Whitley Bay Rotary Club has been so impressed by our work that they have become the first members of our newly launched Starfish Club."
President Richard concluded, "We are delighted to support the LookwideUK team who in the last ten years have helped over 1,500 disengaged young people of which over half have now gained qualifications and employment; what a marvellous result from a dedicated team."
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on enquiries@whitleybayrotaryclub.co.uk or by telephoning 07419 736989.