Special Award from Mayor

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    Mayor presentation two

Special Award from Mayor Dame Norma

Early in December 2023, three Rotarians accompanied by our President John, were invited to the Council Chambers on the Silverlink Business Park to receive a special Centenary award for our clubs ‘Services to the Community’.

This was a one-off award presented to our Rotary Club by Dame Norma Redfearn DBE in recognition of the work Whitley Bay Rotary has undertaken in the community over the last 100 years from 1924 – 2024.
In addition, Dame Norma very kindly donated a mixed food hamper for the club to use as a prize at a forthcoming social event.

As ever Dame Norma had done her research and she mentioned many of the projects we had been involved in over the years – such as the construction of the Panama Dip in 1933 using unemployed men and paying their wages, to our Silver Jubilee in 1977 and the presentation of a seat and shelter to the town council, and in 1973 the donation of a holiday caravan for mentally handicapped children and their families, to the town clock presented on our 75th anniversary in 1999, followed in 2009, with the presentation of a minibus to Tynemouth and Whitley Bay Mencap.
Dame Norma was also aware of our current projects involving Woodlawn School, The North Tyneside Disability Forum, The Bay Foodbank and the ‘Safe House’ in Shields as well as various other projects we had undertaken.
President John responded by saying; “I am delighted to receive this award on behalf of our Rotary Club and our all members past and present, and that I can assure Dame Norma, that we will continue the good work for the next 100 years, though personally I won’t be around to see it all !!!...But... thank you.”

Our Pictures show President John with Dame Norma, joined by fellow Rotarians, Dignitaries, and a food hamper, which was raffled at a recent function.


If you would like to know more about our Rotary Club please do not hesitate to contact us through or website or telephone – 07419 736989.

