Rotary and Scouts Join Forces Again
In recent years our Rotary Club has been supporting the 21st Whitley Bay Scouts in their mission to help the Kigogozi Primary School, in Mityana School, Uganda.
This is the primary overseas charity that Whitley Bay Rotary Club supports; so the club is pleased to be able to offer our help once again by supporting two P6 pupils who are currently boarding at the school. The cost of schooling for these two children for the year will be £210.00 and they are both now boarding on site and studying for their finals next year.
Just to remind everyone the club recently supported the building of new dormitories, which accommodate forty boys and girls who would normally travel on foot to school for up to three hours each day.
The building of the dormitories at the school enables the children to be accommodated overnight, because until recently they had been sleeping on the floor of their classrooms!
Rotary President Liz Hayes said "We are very keen to continue our support the boys and girls in the Kigogozi School in Mityana and this year it is not bricks and mortar, but young people.
Once again, we have been able to support two students this time in their P6 year, as they prepare for their final exams next year.
It is always a delight to be helping young people throughout their schooling no matter where they are in the world. So we are thrilled to be once again supporting the children in Mityana through the 21st St Peters Scout Group".
Clare Gauld, Secretary and Trustee added "Our thanks go once again to the Rotary Club for their continued support and in addition just to say, we are always looking for new Scout and Cub members between the ages of 6-13, so if you are interested please get in touch with me by email on".
President Liz Hayes (to the right of our picture) is seen presenting a cheque with fellow Rotarian Martin Macray, Chairman of International Developments.
Centered is Clare Gauld, Secretary & Trustee for the Mityana School Project with fellow troupers Michelle Whiteside and Amy Murphy and members from the 21st Whitley Bay (St Peters) Scouts who joined us for the presentation for their first meeting after the recent COVID lockdown.
In recent years our Rotary Club has been supporting the 21st Whitley Bay Scouts in their mission to help the Kigogozi Primary School, in Mityana School, Uganda.
This is the primary overseas charity that Whitley Bay Rotary Club supports; so the club is pleased to be able to offer our help once again by supporting two P6 pupils who are currently boarding at the school. The cost of schooling for these two children for the year will be £210.00 and they are both now boarding on site and studying for their finals next year.
Just to remind everyone the club recently supported the building of new dormitories, which accommodate forty boys and girls who would normally travel on foot to school for up to three hours each day.
The building of the dormitories at the school enables the children to be accommodated overnight, because until recently they had been sleeping on the floor of their classrooms!
Rotary President Liz Hayes said "We are very keen to continue our support the boys and girls in the Kigogozi School in Mityana and this year it is not bricks and mortar, but young people.
Once again, we have been able to support two students this time in their P6 year, as they prepare for their final exams next year.
It is always a delight to be helping young people throughout their schooling no matter where they are in the world. So we are thrilled to be once again supporting the children in Mityana through the 21st St Peters Scout Group".
Clare Gauld, Secretary and Trustee added "Our thanks go once again to the Rotary Club for their continued support and in addition just to say, we are always looking for new Scout and Cub members between the ages of 6-13, so if you are interested please get in touch with me by email on".
President Liz Hayes (to the right of our picture) is seen presenting a cheque with fellow Rotarian Martin Macray, Chairman of International Developments.
Centered is Clare Gauld, Secretary & Trustee for the Mityana School Project with fellow troupers Michelle Whiteside and Amy Murphy and members from the 21st Whitley Bay (St Peters) Scouts who joined us for the presentation for their first meeting after the recent COVID lockdown.
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989.