President's Golf Tournament

  • PG 1

    PG 1

Annual President's Golf Competition

Many rotary clubs have keen golfers amongst their ranks and Whitley Bay is no exception and as it happens, our meetings are held at the Whitley Bay Golf Club.

Each year we hold a mini golf tournament of eighteen holes where our members, friends and family compete for the spectacular President's Cup (best round), the Mike Stoker Cup, (best short game), the Visitors Cup, the longest drive, nearest to the Flag / Pin and of course the wooden spoon for the biggest disaster!
The competition is deemed to be friendly, but very competitive to a few, until the evening meal and the nineteenth hole that is!....that’s after a little light refreshment at the ninth hole, which just happens to be close to a member's back garden and the drinks machine!

President Rod, second right in the picture,, is holding the biggest trophy pictured with fellow winning members.

If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989.