Remembrance Sunday November 2023
Remembrance Sunday - November 2023
Remembrance Day Service at War Memorial
The Links, Whitley Bay
On another cold, autumnal, overcast Sunday afternoon, Rotary Club President John marched with fellow Rotarians to lay a wreath at the Links Memorial in remembrance to those who had lost their lives in world wars. This year we are celebrating our Centenary year, and it was fitting to remember fellow Rotarians who had lost their lives in the service of our country.
We had a full turnout of local dignitaries from the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff, Members of Parliament, British Legion, Army, Navy, Air Force Officers and Cadets, Civic Councillors etc. and of course, the Rotary Club of Whitley Bay.
Although it was a solemn occasion, the public turned out in large numbers to listen, o be present and pay their respects. The service was principally led by the Chaplain from St Paul’s Church, John Vilaseca.
After the solemnity of the bugler playing the last post, we had two minutes silence followed by the bugler playing the Reveille and then the laying of the wreaths.
When this was concluded the Chaplain said prayers, gave a blessing which was followed by the Kohima Epitaph –
When you go home, tell them of us and say
‘For your tomorrow we gave our today’
All the Civic Party and presenting dignitaries then proceeded to march to the saluting dais and the event concluded just before the rain returned on a gloomy afternoon.
On another cold, autumnal, overcast Sunday afternoon, Rotary Club President John marched with fellow Rotarians to lay a wreath at the Links Memorial in remembrance to those who had lost their lives in world wars. This year we are celebrating our Centenary year, and it was fitting to remember fellow Rotarians who had lost their lives in the service of our country.
We had a full turnout of local dignitaries from the Lord Lieutenant, High Sheriff, Members of Parliament, British Legion, Army, Navy, Air Force Officers and Cadets, Civic Councillors etc. and of course, the Rotary Club of Whitley Bay.
Although it was a solemn occasion, the public turned out in large numbers to listen, o be present and pay their respects. The service was principally led by the Chaplain from St Paul’s Church, John Vilaseca.
After the solemnity of the bugler playing the last post, we had two minutes silence followed by the bugler playing the Reveille and then the laying of the wreaths.
When this was concluded the Chaplain said prayers, gave a blessing which was followed by the Kohima Epitaph –
When you go home, tell them of us and say
‘For your tomorrow we gave our today’
All the Civic Party and presenting dignitaries then proceeded to march to the saluting dais and the event concluded just before the rain returned on a gloomy afternoon.