During the month of December many children visited the ‘Rotary Santa’ in the Whitley Bay Park View shopping mall.
Due to the issues around Covid 19 we are unable to have our usual colouring competition but instead everyone who visited Santa was given a raffle ticket for a prize drawer. Two family sets of pantomime tickets were awaiting the lucky winners.
Liz Hayes, President of the Whitley Bay Rotary Club said, "This year’s Christmas Santa collection has been very successful and we are particularly grateful to the centre manager, Mr. Trevor Gyllenspetz, for have allowing us to continue to bring Santa to see the children.
We have had many visitors this year and the club is delighted to announce that we have raised over £1,150, which will now be given to local charities and good causes."
During the month of December many children visited the ‘Rotary Santa’ in the Whitley Bay Park View shopping mall.
Due to the issues around Covid 19 we are unable to have our usual colouring competition but instead everyone who visited Santa was given a raffle ticket for a prize drawer. Two family sets of pantomime tickets were awaiting the lucky winners.
Liz Hayes, President of the Whitley Bay Rotary Club said, "This year’s Christmas Santa collection has been very successful and we are particularly grateful to the centre manager, Mr. Trevor Gyllenspetz, for have allowing us to continue to bring Santa to see the children.
We have had many visitors this year and the club is delighted to announce that we have raised over £1,150, which will now be given to local charities and good causes."
We were delighted that two sets of families were able to enjoy the pantomimes in Whitley Bay.
In conclusion, Whitley Bay Rotary Club would like to express their thanks to everyone who visited Santa and to all those who gave so generously over the Christmas period and wish everyone the very best for 2022.
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989.