Spanish City Visit by Rotarians

  • Dome 1

    Dome 1

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    Dome 3

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    Dome 13

Spanish City Restoration Visit
The £10m restoration of a Whitley Bay landmark is almost complete and the Whitley Bay Rotary Club was fortunate enough to be able to visit the dome just before its completion and grand opening.

The dome originally built and opened in 1910 has since undergone many changes, but now the newly restored grade-2 listed building has been brought back to its original specification. The former funfair which occupied the building and surrounding area was removed in 2000 and then left unoccupied and empty to become something of a local eyesore. However, in 2016 after successful grant aided bids the initial works started. This saw the first floor ceiling removed and opened up to show a newly restored rotunda area, as well as the demolition of disused buildings and regeneration of the exterior landscape.

Previously removed historic features such as loggias, cupolas and an internal balcony have been completely rebuilt, while Edwardian-style shopfronts, doors and windows have been newly replaced. Modern extensions have been added at either end of the building along with a new rear entrance and lift to the upper floor.

The Plaza area outside the Dome has also been reshaped to make it more accessible and pedestrian friendly, linking Spanish City to the wider changes taking place along the seafront as the general restoration which is part of a £36m regeneration of the town's seafront. The completion date in late July 2018 saw the building officially handed over to Kymel Trading Ltd, who will run the complex as a leisure, wedding and conference venue.

The Rotary Club was delighted to be invited to see the work in progress and President John Clarkson said, "How delighted club members were to be able to view this historic landmark, which for so many years had been left empty and neglected. Now the newly refurbished building has been thoughtfully and beautifully restored and will once again take centre stage on our North East Coastline, creating not only local employment but a venue the town can be once more proud of."
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989