Street Pastors and Trolley Dash!

  • Street Pastors

    Street Pastors

  • Trolley Dash 2

    Trolley Dash 2

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    Trolley Dash1

Life-saving Machine Is Donated By Rotary Club after Trolley Dash
A charitable organisation in the borough has donated a life-saving machine that has the potential to save hundreds of lives.
The Rotary Club of Whitley Bay presented a defibrillator to the town’s street pastors to be carried in their van that operates around Whitley Bay, supporting people who have over-indulged while on a night out!!
Rotarian Richard Hart said, "Anybody who has sudden cardiac arrest has less than a five per cent chance of survival, but with the use of a cardiac defibrillator this percentage increases to more than 75%. Now that the defibrillator has been installed in the van, we can be sure that the streets of Whitley Bay are safer and healthier."
Chris Lincoln, Street Pastor Co-ordinator expressed his hope to be able to buy an Automated External Defibrillator to help with their work.
‘What exactly is a defibrillator’ was the question asked by many of the Rotarians on the evening.
Chris explained, “Well, you will all have seen the hospital TV shows when the patient collapses on the floor and the doctors yell “Clear!” – “Well,” said Chris, “That’s a defibrillator.” Explaining further, Chris went on to say that defibrillation was the delivery of a lifesaving electrical energy to the heart during an abnormal rhythm or erratic heartbeat. The machine will detect any abnormalities in the heart rhythm or erratic heartbeat. The machine will detect any abnormalities in the heart rhythm, even if the patient is unconscious and administer a shock via the electrodes placed on the heart.
The wonder of this machine is that it can ’read’ what and how much is necessary and will only deliver what is required. As the machine is compact and portable it made a perfect addition to the other facilities that are carried in the street pastor van.
Last year this is exactly what happened to Chris and his team whilst the street pastors were on patrol in the Whitley Bay town centre. Having this near miss prompted them to raise funds towards the cost of purchasing this potentially life saving machine.
However, £1000 plus was a lot to raise and current president, Richard Hart was delighted to be able to make an immediate donation on the evening of £600 to make the purchase possible. 
Now that the defibrillator has been installed in the van we can be sure that the streets of Whitley Bay are safer and healthier.
The club also was involved in a trolley dash at B&M Bargains in aid of the Whitley Bay Food Bank.
The B&M Bargain Store in the centre of Whitley Bay very kindly opened up their doors to hold a one minute trolley dash around the store to help support our local food bank based in North Shields.
Chris Lincoln, Street Pastor and coordinator of the food bank was on hand to make sure things didn’t get out of hand!
Club president Richard Hart said, "Fortunately I didn’t have to make the run as I was exhausted just watching!! Our special thanks must also go to the manager of B&M who kindly agreed to double what they managed to collect in the 1 minute dash."
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on or by telephoning 07419 736989.