‘The times they are achanging’ – it doesn’t seem like twelve months ago that I said that I my opening remarks for the year.
It’s been a year full of changes mostly for the better, but some have filled me with sadness. I can’t recall a rotary year in which so many friends have left us. Retiring through ill health, moving n or just sadly being lost to us all – so many friends and fellow Rotarians, past and present in the space of twelve months: Geoff Scarth, Peter Gofton, Dennis Cliffe, Mike Sartoria, Mike Stoker, Brian Gardner through ill health, Jane Wood through working commitments and lastly, our friends Steve and Mary Mooney through re-location.
We started the year with thirty nine members and we are now back up to thirty four and, as Mike Loxley mentioned, are average attendance per meeting has been twenty eight – an enviable return on a club cohort of thirty four.
But this, I believe was not only down to the quality of speakers, but more specifically to the laughter and fellowship engendered through likeminded people coming together on a weekly basis. Propped up with great fines, to keep us on our toes and not forgetting David’s weekly jokes.
Speakers have been short, fat, wide, tall, skinny, you name ‘em, we’ve had ‘em, some good, some not so good, some brilliant, some not so brilliant and myself on one occasion – not sure what category I fell into – so let’s not go there!
We have had over forty different speakers this year, a testament to Eric’s hard work and commitment to rotary. Never mind Eric’s love for all things Germanic, with mein kampf or mein shaft or even mien gott – which would perhaps be more appropriate.
The most common question I’ve been asked recently is ‘Have you enjoyed your year?’ Well, it’s not a question I can readily reply to:
What do you think? It’s been our 90th anniversary year – which was initially commemorated by Past President Liz with the planting of ninety tress on Rotary Way. Now, there will be more to follow – one for each rotary year and these will be a lasting legacy for the town to enjoy and for all our friends and families in the years to come.
OK, so we planted a few trees, what else have we put into our town? Well, how about sponsoring the JamJar cinema, Whitley Bay Street Pastors, Whitley Bay food bank with the trolley dash, Whitley Bay Pantomime Society, Whitley Bay St Nicholas parade, Tiny Lives, Teenage Cancer @ RVI, St Oswald’s Childrens’ Hospice Whitley Lodge Under 5’s Playgroup, Whitley Bay Football Youth Academy, M10 Missions, Lookwide UK scouting and sponsorship for four local teenagers to help their overseas trips.
And, further afield, Mityana Village School – a partnership trust fund rebuilding the school in conjunction tih Mityana RC, internal fittings, tables, chairs, blackboards etc., village and family aquafilters and not forgetting ShelterBoxs for the Philippines disaster and the like.
It’s been a year full of changes mostly for the better, but some have filled me with sadness. I can’t recall a rotary year in which so many friends have left us. Retiring through ill health, moving n or just sadly being lost to us all – so many friends and fellow Rotarians, past and present in the space of twelve months: Geoff Scarth, Peter Gofton, Dennis Cliffe, Mike Sartoria, Mike Stoker, Brian Gardner through ill health, Jane Wood through working commitments and lastly, our friends Steve and Mary Mooney through re-location.
We started the year with thirty nine members and we are now back up to thirty four and, as Mike Loxley mentioned, are average attendance per meeting has been twenty eight – an enviable return on a club cohort of thirty four.
But this, I believe was not only down to the quality of speakers, but more specifically to the laughter and fellowship engendered through likeminded people coming together on a weekly basis. Propped up with great fines, to keep us on our toes and not forgetting David’s weekly jokes.
Speakers have been short, fat, wide, tall, skinny, you name ‘em, we’ve had ‘em, some good, some not so good, some brilliant, some not so brilliant and myself on one occasion – not sure what category I fell into – so let’s not go there!
We have had over forty different speakers this year, a testament to Eric’s hard work and commitment to rotary. Never mind Eric’s love for all things Germanic, with mein kampf or mein shaft or even mien gott – which would perhaps be more appropriate.
The most common question I’ve been asked recently is ‘Have you enjoyed your year?’ Well, it’s not a question I can readily reply to:
What do you think? It’s been our 90th anniversary year – which was initially commemorated by Past President Liz with the planting of ninety tress on Rotary Way. Now, there will be more to follow – one for each rotary year and these will be a lasting legacy for the town to enjoy and for all our friends and families in the years to come.
OK, so we planted a few trees, what else have we put into our town? Well, how about sponsoring the JamJar cinema, Whitley Bay Street Pastors, Whitley Bay food bank with the trolley dash, Whitley Bay Pantomime Society, Whitley Bay St Nicholas parade, Tiny Lives, Teenage Cancer @ RVI, St Oswald’s Childrens’ Hospice Whitley Lodge Under 5’s Playgroup, Whitley Bay Football Youth Academy, M10 Missions, Lookwide UK scouting and sponsorship for four local teenagers to help their overseas trips.
And, further afield, Mityana Village School – a partnership trust fund rebuilding the school in conjunction tih Mityana RC, internal fittings, tables, chairs, blackboards etc., village and family aquafilters and not forgetting ShelterBoxs for the Philippines disaster and the like.
Nah - its been fairly quite on the whole, we haven't done that much!
But, I suppose we raised a bit of money...at the Firework Display, Santa in the Mall, Bag A Bargain @ the Pop up Shop, Whitley Lodge Summer Fair and recently the Brierdene Summer Fair, Race Night, weekly wine draw, Christmas bottle draw, Burns supper draw and President at home draw.
But, I suppose we raised a bit of money...at the Firework Display, Santa in the Mall, Bag A Bargain @ the Pop up Shop, Whitley Lodge Summer Fair and recently the Brierdene Summer Fair, Race Night, weekly wine draw, Christmas bottle draw, Burns supper draw and President at home draw.
Aye, maybe we've done a bit - yeh, but what about the kids? You mean the annual Civic Cups, presented by Janet Hunter - North Tyneside Council Chair), or the 'Youth Speaks' debating competitions at local and area level, or visiting first schools with 272 Dictionaries 4 life or the recent presentation of cheques and the George Davis Cup at TyneMet College...
Okay, so you've done a bit in the community,
Okay, so you've done a bit in the community,
But have you seen anything, done anything, been anywhere? Well no, not really... Well, we've been on a visit almost every month mind... What? Well, we've been to RAF Boulmer for the day, we've had a tour round the Nissan factory, a morning at the Discovery Museum, Cameron's Brewery, Theatre Royal, an evening at the Sage @ Gateshead, a Sea Shanty Night @ Tynemouth and club visits to our annual Coast Club meeting as well as meals out in Tynemouth G/Club...
So, we didn't sit and stare at each other all the time...Well okay, so how do you know we've done all this?... Because all theses activities have been recorded and displayed on our NEW website.
So, 'Have you enjoyed your year'? Well, it's not been a very interesting or busy or exciting; the 12 months have rather dragged on a bit when I think about it.
So, have 'The Times Been A Changing?' You betya
Our new Website is I'm told is one of the best in District, all orchestrated and kept up to date by our webmaster, Tore.
We now have our own promotional literature, a new portable Rotary Wheel for presentations etc. We even have our own phone number on the website and we are now making attempts to promote the club in local libraries.
We now have our own promotional literature, a new portable Rotary Wheel for presentations etc. We even have our own phone number on the website and we are now making attempts to promote the club in local libraries.
We have a new agenda for the AGM / Club Assembly / Valedictory. We now have business meetings at specific times of the year. Our council meetings now have a full presidential report before they are distributed by the assistant secretary Alan.
We have re-named our Membership into Membership & Wellbeing - to enable us to look out for each other in times of illness, bereavement, or stress. We have a new RIB and Club Directory co-ordinator, we have relocated all our club history to storage facilities @ Ferguson's.
We have even streamlined our funds into a single charity account (and the treasurer is I'm sure, enjoying his newly extended house and loft conversion). Our treasurer has also taken on the task of reorganising the CD duplication for the blind.
And secretary Alan, for the first time, now has an organised Fines Master Rota......so we can plan ahead. And lastly, we hope we have found a new format for the Christmas message with a speaker and a 'Christmas Turn'.
And we've managed all this, because we've had an excellent team of council members all of whom have shouldered their responsibilities and got us moving as one. Not perfectly at times and we've had our moments! I should add that the attendance at the council meetings has been exemplary. I think we've had only one meeting that had 2 apologies and all of them consented to have their pictures taken for the Website! Not the easiest of tasks I can assure you!
We have re-named our Membership into Membership & Wellbeing - to enable us to look out for each other in times of illness, bereavement, or stress. We have a new RIB and Club Directory co-ordinator, we have relocated all our club history to storage facilities @ Ferguson's.
We have even streamlined our funds into a single charity account (and the treasurer is I'm sure, enjoying his newly extended house and loft conversion). Our treasurer has also taken on the task of reorganising the CD duplication for the blind.
And secretary Alan, for the first time, now has an organised Fines Master Rota......so we can plan ahead. And lastly, we hope we have found a new format for the Christmas message with a speaker and a 'Christmas Turn'.
And we've managed all this, because we've had an excellent team of council members all of whom have shouldered their responsibilities and got us moving as one. Not perfectly at times and we've had our moments! I should add that the attendance at the council meetings has been exemplary. I think we've had only one meeting that had 2 apologies and all of them consented to have their pictures taken for the Website! Not the easiest of tasks I can assure you!
And lastly, although I had to make decisions in the early part of the year that weren't popular in some quarters, we made them, because it was right to move the club forward and move with the times. So, have you enjoyed your year?
You know, I can't remember a bloody thing, it's been non stop all the time. It’s been like a toilet roll; the more I've used, the faster it ran out.
You know, I can't remember a bloody thing, it's been non stop all the time. It’s been like a toilet roll; the more I've used, the faster it ran out.
I'd now like to spend a just few minutes thanking people who've made contributions to our year as Rotarians.
In particular, to show my gratitude and following on from last year with Past Presidents Liz's - 'Mr Mugs for the future' - I'd like to add my own twist to this concept and give some of you 'Food For Thought', or more specifically salmoning for the future...
I've gift tagged each with a simple fishing thought which I'll share with you now:-
In particular, to show my gratitude and following on from last year with Past Presidents Liz's - 'Mr Mugs for the future' - I'd like to add my own twist to this concept and give some of you 'Food For Thought', or more specifically salmoning for the future...
I've gift tagged each with a simple fishing thought which I'll share with you now:-
Eric Jefferson - for the preparation of each of our meetings and for letting me know as only Eric can, that he was sorry to miss the only opportunity he would have of tasting fresh salmon at the Presidents Lunch.
Well Eric here is your own special catch.
Your ditty is - I'm not arguing, I'm simply explaining......why I'm right.
Well Eric here is your own special catch.
Your ditty is - I'm not arguing, I'm simply explaining......why I'm right.
Stan Andrews - for being the most consistent and conscience of attendees at every meeting and every function through this, your 90th year.
Your fishing ditty is - Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
Your fishing ditty is - Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.
Eric Richards - for working through all your anxieties for the year to provide the club with over 40 speakers.
Your ditty is - light travels faster than sound.That is why some people appear bright......until they speak.
Your ditty is - light travels faster than sound.That is why some people appear bright......until they speak.
Liz York - for persevering through the year with one of the most thankless tasks in the club - looking after our dietary requirements!!
Your ditty is - when a women says "WHAT?" It's not because she didn't hear you. 'She's giving you the chance to alter what you said.
Your ditty is - when a women says "WHAT?" It's not because she didn't hear you. 'She's giving you the chance to alter what you said.
Brian Royce - for coming from Perth, near one of my favourite rivers - The River Tay and more specifically for you quiet efficiency in all that you do for the club.
Your ditty is - whatever you do, always give 100% unless you're giving blood.
Your ditty is - whatever you do, always give 100% unless you're giving blood.
Mike Loxley - for taking on the computing mantle of the RIB and Club Directory and specifically for coming to grips with it!!
Your fishing ditty is - if at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way your wife told you to do it?
Your fishing ditty is - if at first you don't succeed, try doing it the way your wife told you to do it?
Alan Furness - for all the miles you've walked back and forth to the phone and computer answering all those inane questions that a club secretary get....especially from District!!
Your fishing ditty is - my Grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now and we don't know where she is.
Your fishing ditty is - my Grandmother started walking five miles a day when she was sixty. She's ninety-seven now and we don't know where she is.
Tore - for the endless hours you've spent this year putting together and now updating our new website. Turning up to every collection, taking on the role of fines master and for stepping up to take over the mantle of senior vice, when David will sadly leave us.
Is there anything you don't feel able to do?
Your ditty is - well Richard, we could fix this picture in Photoshop, but your fishing arm would still be broken.
Is there anything you don't feel able to do?
Your ditty is - well Richard, we could fix this picture in Photoshop, but your fishing arm would still be broken.
Maggie - for the tireless enthusiasm throughout the year supporting my passion for our work in the community.
Your fishing ditty is - the sexiest curve on your body is your smile. Flaunt it!
Your fishing ditty is - the sexiest curve on your body is your smile. Flaunt it!
Mike Silmon - For being the Wikepedia of the club council
Your ditty is - everyone seems normal...until you get to know them.
Your ditty is - everyone seems normal...until you get to know them.
David Wilkinson - for all your quiet support, the organisation, the trips you've taken the club on and for generally wearing all our shoes out.
Your fishing Dditty is - when life hands you lemons... make a gin and tonic.
Your fishing Dditty is - when life hands you lemons... make a gin and tonic.
David Smith - for stepping into the various roles throughout the year and for daring to leave us in the lurch.
You ditty is - don't think too much, you'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place!
You ditty is - don't think too much, you'll create a problem that wasn't even there in the first place!
Martin Macray - for your endless chatter, help and support to fellow Rotarians through the year.
Your fishing ditty is - a clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory.
Your fishing ditty is - a clear conscience is the sure sign of a bad memory.
Brian Johnson - for keeping the club on the straight and narrow and for your tireless efforts behind the scenes.
Your ditty is - all of us light up a room, some when they enter, others when they leave!!
Your ditty is - all of us light up a room, some when they enter, others when they leave!!
If you are interested in finding out more about Whitley Bay Rotary Club, please contact us either on enquiries@whitleybayrotaryclub.co.uk or by telephoning 07419 736989.