Recently on a very wet Wednesday afternoon, members of Whitley Bay Rotary Club gathered to make a presentation and remember our late past President Alan Furness, (2011 -12).

Past President Alan had bequeathed a sum of money with which to make and install a children’s bench at Marine Park First School, Whitley Bay.

The proceedings were instigated by our current President Rod Clark, with fellow Rotarians and Cllr Judith Wallace in attendance. Marine Park School Choir gave the event a lift with a school song or two.

Tom Furnace and Alan’s wife Edith cut the ribbon to officially open the bench.

Alan served the community both in the NHS as a working professional, as an active Rotarian, a local Councillor for St Mary’s Ward (1979 – 1995), and a past Chairman of North Tyneside Conservative Federation. He was selected as a candidate for the role of elected Mayor in 2017, before his untimely and sudden death in that year.

He was a positive Rotarian who brought a wit and repartee to our meetings and is sadly missed for his perception and motivation to support our activities in the community.

John Harries is the new President of Whitley Bay Rotary Club. John, who comes from Llanelli in Wales, was educated at Llanelli Boys Grammar School and The London Hospital Medical College where he qualified in medicine. 
John is a retired family doctor and General Practitioner who recently moved into the area; after working in London hospitals, he became a GP in Newtown, Powys, Wales, where he remained in the same practice for many years and became the senior partner. Additionally, he was responsible for the running of the local fifty bed cottage hospital. 
John has been married to Kath for fifty-two years. They have three children; his eldest son works for an oil company, his second son lives in Prague and writes music for films and television and lastly his daughter who is a senior lecturer at Newcastle University. Between them there are five grandchildren. 
On his opening remarks at our annual AGM, John said;
‘’Thank you, Past President John, for your dedicated work last year, which has led the club to a successful and fun year working in the community. And a special thank you for all that you have led in our centenary year. 
I would like to carry on my year with the same activities that we’ve enjoyed for the past few years working once again with our local food bank, Disability Forum, Woodlawn Special School, Whitley Bay First Schools, Fireworks on the Links and Santa in the shopping mall etc, and I shall also look forward to supporting new projects suggested by our working groups and Rotary supporters.’’ 
So, if you are involved in a local charity and are looking for support, please do not hesitate to contact the Whitley Bay Rotary Club. Our President John and club members look forward to hearing from you or if you are interested in joining us and seeing what we do in the community. Please do not hesitate to contact us on; 07956280761 or via our Facebook page or Website.
John is pictured receiving his chain of office from out-going President John and our special visitor for the evening, Rotary District Governor Joy.

John Clarkson is the newly elected President of the Whitley Bay Rotary Club. John who comes from Yorkshire has and lived and worked in the North East for the past 46 years. He is married to Janice and they have one daughter, Melanie who is a Wing Commander in the Royal Air Force.
