2015-16 Yearbook
I have used the line ‘Openness’ as I take over the Presidency since it is my belief that a well run, well attended, club should operate with a significant level of openness, not only internally between the members, but also externally toward the public to give them broader knowledge of what Rotary is about and what we do in and for the local community as well as international activities.
It is important to continue the drive for us to come up with new and varied initiatives to raise funds for our charitable work and, also very important, to continue to have fun raising funds and helping great causes.
We are continuing with many of the projects we all know; such as help for Shelterbox, the Mityana School in Uganda and with continued financial support for many local charities such as North Tyneside Disability Forum, various Children’s Cancer Charities. All of these are done through our various fundraising activities in Whitley Bay throughout the year. Recent charities and projects are regularly shown on this website.
The people of North Tyneside kindly and generously support us by helping us to raise valuable funds for all our charitable causes, local as well as international. I believe I can safely state that all members of our club are grateful for that and we all hope that this continues into the future.
We also want to continue the project that is close at heart of any President, to try and increase our membership, to include likeminded individuals of both sexes and all ages who believe they can give something back to the community and have fun doing it. So go ahead, rope in friends and neighbours but tell them that once in, we use every opportunity to take the mickey so their disposition cannot be too sensitive.
Also a word for all members, new and old alike - change for the better is good for any organisation, change for the sake of change is not. Each year British industry spends approximately £4 Billion to change their appearance, logos, letterheads etc. with absolutely no positive impact on their bottom line whatsoever. We welcome ideas for changes, but they must be followed up with a proposal and an action plan so we, as a team, can work together to make positive changes work for the club.
For me this is going to be an interesting year, not least since I am in full time work, balancing family, work, personal interests and Rotary - and not necessarily in that order. So let us all support each other with a ‘can do’ attitude to continue to make ours a successful and prospering club.
Lord Tore Skjærstad